July 6, 2011

Engaged and Enraged with Excitement!

Drum roll please!
Here for your entertainment and enjoyment we T & J proudly introduce to you our engagement photos!
We were so thrilled and delighted when our lovely friend Vanessa agreed to take these for us. They are beautiful and wonderful and we couldn't be happier!

So much love!

xo, T & J

June 17, 2011

A Save the Date Story

My first true crafty wedding task was to complete our Save the Dates. 
We have finally gotten all the big stuff out of the way (venue, caterer, etc.) So now the fun begins! I plan on doing a lot of handmade aspects for the big day, which is so very true to us as a couple. I have been doodling pictures of us for as long as I've had his hand in mine, and I thought what better way to design a wedding invite than to draw it myself.

 My lovely friend Paige helped me a couple of steps. She is a photo and printmaking major and is quite skilled in the execution of such projects like this one. She is also using her talents to design and create our official invites!

There you have it! I hope everyone enjoyed getting them as much as I enjoyed making them!

 Stay tuned for more crafty wedding stories and nuptial tales!

xo, Jessie

June 11, 2011

hello there!

Welcome family and friends! 
We are both so excited for our upcoming wedding adventures and we cannot wait to share our special day with you!
On our little corner of the web world you'll find a behind the scenes look into our big day preparations, ceremony details, registry info, and lots of love.

Stay tuned!

xo, Terry and Jessie